DISHES RANKING. We'll admit it. We're pretty lazy sometimes. We cut ourselves a little bit of slack because our 100-year-old rental house doesn't have a dishwasher. Even if you have a dishwasher, there's no judgement here. We totally agree that doing the dishes is arguably one of the worst parts of cooking. We're going to be including a dishes ranking from 1-10 on how many/how annoying the dishes were for the recipe. If you hate doing dishes, hopefully you'll enjoy knowing this factor ahead.
LEFTOVER RANKING. One of us is arguably the most picky eater in the world and will not eat just anything for left overs. He claims it's because some things "don't heat up well." While I used to brush this off as his picky-ness, I've actually come to realize that he's right in some cases. Sometimes letting a meal sit in the refrigerator all night can change the overall consistency. Leftovers are important to us because our young adult budget doesn't allow us to grab lunch out everyday. We're going to be sharing how well this meal serves as leftovers. If you're looking to save some money in this area as well, hopefully you find this ranking useful.
WASTE RANKING. Sustainability is important to us. However, we totally understand that living a zero-waste life is just not attainable for everyone including us. That's why we try to find ways to incorporate sustainability into our lifestyle as much as possible. Our waste ranking will share how much waste the recipe produces not only to let our readers know before they decide to try it for themselves, but also to help keep ourselves accountable and see where we could possibly make changes next time.